Reverse Curl - Squat EZ Bar

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 8-10 Reps, 80 Wght

Beginner Biceps Forearms Strength EZ Bar Pull Gym

Purpose: This exercise increases strength and produces greater functional strength in both the biceps and the forearms.

Benefits: Reverse curls work the forearms more than regular bicep curls.

Get into a squat position. Hold an EZ bar with your hands about medium-width apart. You should have an overhand grip (palms facing down). The arms should be straight and your triceps should be on your kneecaps. This is your starting position. Curl the bar up in an arc until it touches your chest. Do not use your shoulders or rock your body. Your elbows should come forward slightly, but not out to the sides. Exhale during this movement. Slowly return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Repeat for the recommended number of repetitions.

The biceps is a straight muscle with two heads. The long head of the biceps crosses both the elbow and the shoulder joints. It bends the elbow and raises the arm forward at the shoulder. The short head crosses the elbow joint and, in conjunction with the brachioradialis muscle, supinates the hand. When the hands are placed in a reverse grip, they work the forearm muscles more.

Step 1

In a squat position, hold an EZ bar, hands medium-width apart, palms facing down.


Get into a squat position. Hold an EZ bar with your hands about medium-width apart. You should have an overhand grip (palms facing down). The arms should be straight and your triceps should be on your kneecaps. This is your starting position.

Step 2

Curl the bar in an arc until it touches your chest. Your elbows come forward slightly.


Curl the bar up in an arc until it touches your chest. Do not use your shoulders or rock your body. Your elbows should come forward slightly, but not out to the sides. Exhale during this movement.

Step 3

Slowly return to the starting position.


Slowly return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Hold an EZ bar with your hands about medium-width apart. You should have an overhand grip (palms facing down). The arms should be straight and your triceps should be on your kneecaps.